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8 Ridiculous Masks & Face Paint Wrestlers Regret Wearing

Nov 10, 2023

These masks and face paint were far from cool, and the wrestlers that wore them certainly regretted it.

Face paint and masks are tools that many professional wrestlers have opted to use in a big to add a little more energy and charisma to their overall presentation. When these go right it can end up making a huge impact with the likes of Kane and Mankind showcasing how impactful it can be.

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However, not every wrestler looks back on their masks or face paint decisions with positivity. For some people, it comes tinged with regret, with the decision to have that being something that they wished never happened or had been slightly different from what ended up happening.

Mojo Rawley's decision to add blue cracks across his face was something that didn't work for him as WWE never got behind this character idea. The face paint didn't look good, and that is something that Rawley himself has admitted, making his thoughts clear on the situation.

Rawley has said that he regretted this period of his WWE career, and he didn't want to take on the face paint idea at all. Ultimately, Rawley was talked into it, but it became clear that it was something that shouldn't have happened.

Shane Thorne's WWE career didn't quite work out, and arguably the lowest point was when he had to portray the Slapjack character as part of the Retribution faction. Every member of the group was made to look foolish, but Thorne was arguably dealt the toughest hand due to the face mask he was given.

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While the name was bad, the mask he was given ended up being worse. Thorne has admitted that they were rough, and it's clear that he regrets being given this look as it wasn't something that made him look like a star.

Preston Vance was given a mask to wear during his initial AEW gimmick when he was part of The Dark Order as 10. It made sense because it went along with the look that the faction brought to television, but he ended up ditching that when he turned heel, embracing the current character he has.

Since then Vance has admitted that he hated wearing the mask and he is glad that he is done with it. Clearly, Vance wasn't a big fan of the limitations that can come with a mask, even though it did get attention on him, but it wasn't the greatest-looking mask in history.

Justin Credible was a brilliant professional wrestler, and that is something he got to showcase throughout his career. However, his Aldo Montoya gimmick wasn't a great one and a big reason for that was the ridiculous mask and outfit that he had, which never looked good.

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Credible has admitted to not enjoying the mask from that period as it didn't end up looking as was originally planned which was frustrating. He also found it difficult to actually move in it due to how it was designed as it caused problems for him breathing.

Al Snow managed to have a fantastic career in WWE that was extremely memorable, but it is unlikely most fans can recall his run as Avatar. This period saw him work in a mask, which he would take off, and then put back on, all of which made it seem completely pointless.

It's something Snow admitted was confusing at the time, and he doesn't seem to look back upon the mask fondly either considering he has admitted it didn't fit properly, which was likely a big part of the problem.

Over the years John Tenta portrayed a variety of gimmicks, but arguably the least memorable was his run as Golga. This saw him work in The Oddities, and the thing that people tend to recall the most was the horrendous mask that he had to wear throughout this period of his career.

However, Tenta has since admitted he didn't like this gimmick, and the mask is likely a big factor in that. It instantly made him look ridiculous, and Tenta has even wondered whether or not it was a punishment for joining WCW.

Sean Waltman isn't someone who ever wore face paint or a mask regularly, but he did paint his face black at one point when D-Generation X was imitating the Nation Of Domination. It's something that WWE might have got away with at the time, but in hindsight, it is something everyone involved regrets.

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Waltman has always been open to the fact that he regrets being involved in that situation and wearing the face paint. Fortunately, that type of idea would no longer be deemed acceptable and wouldn't take place ever again.

Mantaur was a unique character that was built around the mask that was worn to the ring. Having a huge bull head is something that looked utterly ridiculous because it made no sense. The fact it then came off instantly took away the unique nature of it and made things seem even more pointless.

It's something he admitted to hating having to wear, and he was excited when he no longer had to do that. However, it is a mask that fans do still talk about to this day, even if it's because it wasn't a good one.

Matthew Wilkinson is a writer based in Bradford, England. Can be found on Twitter @MC_Wilkinson1